The latest updates from the Meta-Morphosis Project.

Presenting at the World Congress of Herpetology in Kuching, Borneo

Anne-Claire awarded Linnean Society’s Bicentenary Medal

Day trip to the Ozarks, Arkansas: Exploring the rich diversity of salamanders in the wild

Lab retreat 2023
From September 20 to 22 2023, the team’s lab retreat took place in Adelboden in Switzerland. The members of the meta-morphosis team were all present (Anne-Claire Fabre, Vivien Louppe, Isabelle Toussaint and Morgane Fournier). Collaborators were also invited to the…

Chasing dragons in a laboratory cave
Do you like caving ? In early September, Anthony Herrel and I went to Moulis (Ariège, France) to visit the CNRS laboratory cave part of the SETE, hosted by our collaborator Olivier Guillaume, without whom this would not have been…

Lower jaw modularity in the African clawed frog and fire salamander

How do we prepare specimens for scanning?
In order to observe the precise morphology of the head bones, we use a micro-computed tomography (micro-CT scanner). This is a 3D imaging technique using x-rays to see inside an object, slice by slice. For our project, we need to…

Filming salamanders at the Amphibian Foundation
Why salamanders are so special? Were you aware that Salamanders present the most important diversity of developmental strategies among vertebrates? Most salamander species have what we call a biphasic life cycle, meaning that, like the frogs, eggs are laid in…