NewsPresenting at the World Congress of Herpetology in Kuching, BorneoThe entire Meta-Morphosis team is ready to go to Kuching, Borneo, to present their results at the 10th World Congress of Herpetology!Aug 2, 2024
VideosEpic fail from the cutest and hungriest salamander ever!Watch this salamander attempt and fail (twice!) to catch its food.Apr 18, 2024Form-Function
All About SalamandersWhat is your spirit salamander?Take an interactive quiz to determine which species of salamander is your spirit animal!Mar 11, 2024
VideosAxolotls at different stages of ontogeny before and after DeeplabcutAxolotls at different stages of ontogeny, including suction feeding underwater, before and after applying Deeplabcut for automated feature tracking.Jan 9, 2024Form-FunctionLandmark data
VideosOlm (Proteus anguinus) suction feedingAn olm (Proteus anguinus) suction feeding underwater, recorded using high-speed video.Oct 2, 2023Form-Function
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News, PublicationsLower jaw modularity in the African clawed frog and fire salamanderFrom CT scans of 100 lower jaws from African clawed frogs and fire salamanders, we answer the question of whether the amphibian lower jaw evolves as a single unit or evolves with different modules evolving in different ways.Sep 19, 2023EvolvabilityForm-FunctionMesh dataMorphometrics
VideosAdult northern slimy salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) feedingAn adult northern slimy salamander (Plethodon glutinosus) feeding above water, recorded using high-speed video.Jul 4, 2023Form-Function
VideosAdult axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) suction feedingAn adult axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) suction feeding underwater, recorded using high-speed video.Jul 4, 2023Form-Function
VideosLarval frosted flatwoods salamander (Ambystoma cingulatum) suction feedingA larval frosted flatwoods salamander (Ambystoma cingulatum) suction feeding underwater, recorded using high-speed video.Jul 4, 2023Form-Function