Presenting at the World Congress of Herpetology in Kuching, Borneo

The entire Meta-Morphosis team is ready to go to Kuching, Borneo, to present their results at the 10th World Congress of Herpetology!

The entire Meta-Morphosis team is ready to go to Kuching, Borneo, to present their results at the 10th World Congress of Herpetology (WCH)!!!! This meeting brings together the world’s top herpetologists every 3-4 years to present the latest new findings in research related to amphibians and reptiles. This year’s meeting will take place from August 5-9, 2024.

For the 10th WCH, Anne-Claire is organizing a symposium with Daniel Paluh and Tiana Kohlsdorf on Developmental herpetology: Linking ecology, development, and evolution.

Vivien Louppe will present his results on the Impact of environmental variation and developmental strategy on diversification in Caudata.

Congratulations to Isabelle Toussaint who was awarded a travel grant to present her results about the impact of ontogeny on suction feeding kinematics in the axolotl: Is adulthood just an illusion?

Morgane Fournier will present her results about the impact of life cycle variation on sexual dimorphism in European fire salamanders.

Finally, Anne-Claire was also invited to present her results in the symposium The amazing world of tadpoles. She will talk about the Fifty shades of metamorphosis, investigating the impact of life cycles variation on morphological diversity in salamanders and newts through ontogeny.

See you soon in Kuching!!!!

Anne-Claire Fabre
Anne-Claire Fabre

Mammal curator at the Natural History Museum of Bern and leader of the Meta-Morphosis Project.

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